Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I did not have a lot of spare time tonight so I just did a quick little study of the coin, only had about 20 mins or so but it was fun.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Good morning Marble

I jumped right into this painting this morning before I even got dressed, thus the title:) I love Saturdays, a nice change from the 9-5 Monday thru Friday!

This is my first complete start to finish oil paint only painting (at least that I can remember). I have been playing with oils for about three months now on and off again (mostly off) I usually block it all in with acrylic first as I find it difficult to not make the colours into "mud". This marble isn't the greatest, I had a few areas that started to get muddy on me and I will be working on them once this paint is dry, sure is fun to work with oils as they are very forgiving.

I used Lucas water soluable oils and I find that when I use water to thin the paint it starts to gum up so I bought some Liquin and that worked just great, a little harder to clean up though. I just used some linseed oil to get most of the Liquin/paint off and then Murphy's oil soap for the final clean up. I placed an order yesterday for some Winsor Newton w/s oils and can hardly wait to try them, I also ordered some walnut oil alklyd from M. Graham and Winsor Newton slow dry medium for acrylics, I have alot of materials to play with......just need to schedule the time in.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ancient Artists

I went kayaking today to find a new pictograph site that I have wanted to explore for quite awhile now. I always find it exciting to find these spots just from some vague directions from a map, this one was quite neat as there was a small cave with pictographs inside and it took some investigating to find it. I have always been intrigued with cave art, it's interesting to see through out the ages there have always been individuals that feel compelled to make marks. I would like to research this a bit more as we go from cave art to graffiti is there really a difference, other than the fact that graffiti is usually on someone else's property. No painting for me today, too busy playing around, maybe tomorrow:)